Netwealth in the Press

Even if you’ve retired completely, it’s worth making use of the annual gross allowance of £3,600 that can be paid into a pension, says Tom Kimche, head of advice at Netwealth."

FT, 05 July 2024

Should you put your state pension into a sipp? Article behind paywall
“The younger generation are acutely aware of high costs and limited technology, and so often seek different managers from their parents,” says Charlotte Ransom, Netwealth chief executive."
I leave the analysis of the financial data in the hands of the IFS’S vigilant Paul Johnson and to the clever and well-briefed economists such as Simon French of Panmure, Dr Gerard Lyons of Netwealth and the Policy Exchange and the independent economist, Julian Jessop."
Charlotte Ransom says 'This is an important question as it speaks to one of the fundamental attributes of sensible investing – which is to be well diversified."
Lyons, now chief economist at wealth manager Netwealth, says a portion of the interest paid on banks' reserves should be axed to save money for the public purse."

The Mail, 10 June 2024

Stop the £40bn bank interest racket
Daily Mail (2)
If you realise you don’t have unfettered access to the international labour market, it could force you to think about upskilling your domestic labour force,” said Lyons, who is chief economist at the wealth manager Netwealth."
There might well be wealth managers who exclusively or mainly use passive trackers who could outperform based on their asset allocation mojo, such as Netwealth..."

Financial Times, 31 May 2024

Has Hargreaves Lansdown seen the light? Article behind paywall
FT Horizontal Fullcolour RGB
Charlotte Ransom says 'You should evaluate whether you are on track to secure a comfortable retirement at various stages in your life'.
Two personal favourites are MyNetwealth and Guiide, both of which offer helpful visuals and a generally smooth experience. MyNetwealth is divided into two sections: wealth tracking and wealth planning."

Investors' Chronicle, 14 May 2024

How to make a financial plan – without an expensive adviser Article behind paywall
Investors Chronicle Logo March 2024
Finally the Bank of England is acknowledging that money matters,” Gerard Lyons, chief economist strategist at Netwealth, said.

The Times, 10 May 2024

MPC faces up to monetarist critics Article behind paywall
The Times (1)