CTFs (Child Trust Funds)

What are CTFs?

Child Trust Funds. Most children born between 1st September 2002 and 3rd January 2011 automatically had a Child Trust Fund (CTF) opened on their behalf, to which the Government contributed an initial amount of £250.
If your child has a CTF, then you cannot open or contribute to a JISA without first transferring the CTF into a JISA. You can transfer a CTF to a Netwealth JISA using our transfer forms.
More information about transferring a CTF into a JISA.

Taxing CTFs

A JISA is treated the same as a regular ISA for tax purposes.
Any gains made by selling investments within a JISA are not subject to capital gains tax and equally any losses made on investments in Junior Stocks and Shares ISA cannot be used to offset capital gains on other investments.
Any interest (e.g. from government and corporate bonds) or dividends (e.g. from funds or equities) from investments held within a JISA are not subject to any deduction of tax..

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