
How are fees paid?

Fees are debited from the cash balance in your portfolio; in the unlikely event that is not sufficient cash to cover the fees then we will sell a proportion of your assets in order to cover the fees.
The annual Personal Pension fee will be debited from your Netwealth Personal Pension account on receipt of the initial contribution and then annually in advance thereafter.

Can I pay for someone else’s fees?

No, although you can elect to pay any JISA fees from your General Investment Account

Can I pay fees generated by my ISA and Personal Pension from outside of the tax wrapper?

You can elect to pay your ISA and JISA fees from your General Investment Account. Your pension fees must be paid from your pension account.

Can I pay fees by BACs transfer?

Yes, if you would like to top up your account with cash to pay your fees you are able to do so. Please contact us to let us know or for more information.

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