Our Views on the Markets and the Economy

Articles, investment updates and economic analysis

Consumer protection: how to be more aware of fraud and scams

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, the threat of financial fraud and scams remains ever-present. As we continue to navigate these challenges, it is crucial to stay informed and vigilant. Drawing on insights from our previous articles and the principles outlined in the FCA’s Consumer Duty, we aim here to enhance your awareness and provide practical steps to protect you.

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A focus on fiscal policy

Last Thursday we hosted a webinar that focused on the policy outlook in the UK and on the implications for people’s finances. You can watch the recording here. Our head of advice, Tom Kimche, looked into the latter, while I focused on the overall outlook and implications. There were three parts to my talk: the latest economic data; the King’s Speech and what it might mean for economic policy; and fiscal policy.

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I’m 68 and retiring soon. How can I limit taxes when I take out my pension?

Our CEO Charlotte Ransom regularly answers questions for readers of the i paper – helping them to better understand their investments and how to effectively plan their finances to achieve their long-term goals. Many of these questions are also highly relevant for Netwealth readers.

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The government is right to focus on growth

Financial markets are still digesting the new policy measures of the Labour Government. Next week on the 18th of July – the day after the State Opening of Parliament, which includes the King’s Speech that outlines the government’s plan for this session of parliament – we will host a webinar focusing on the economic and financial implications of government policy.

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After the election: do you need advice?

You may not find an immediate impact on your finances after the election, yet it may be an appropriate time to consider your overall situation – and to assess whether you could be doing more to make the most of your money, and on the right path to achieve your goals.

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UK election: the Netwealth views on domestic assets

UK investment assets are typically affected by local and global factors, often being particularly influenced by events in the US. As we now approach the UK general election, however, let’s examine the potential impact of this national event on UK asset prices.

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Post-election economic and financial outlook

What lies ahead after the election? On 20th June we hosted a webinar to address this issue. Here is a summary of my opening comments on the economic and financial outlook.

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How to nail cash flow modelling – and achieve your most important goals

Effective cash flow modelling helps you to plan your financial future with more clarity. Understanding its power and finding out how it can help you achieve your goals may require a little thought and exploration – yet the outcome can be incredibly worth it.

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“How do I get the highest return taking the lowest risk on my £540,000 pension?”

Our CEO Charlotte Ransom regularly answers questions for readers of the i paper – helping them to better understand their investments and how to effectively plan their finances to achieve their long-term goals. Many of these questions are also highly relevant for Netwealth readers.

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Currencies: to hedge or not to hedge?

Delivering sustainable portfolio performance over the medium-to-long-term gives our clients the best chance of meeting their investment goals. When building portfolios, naturally the proportions we invest in each asset class is key, and we also consider factors such as currency hedging – but what impact can different hedging approaches have on investment portfolios?

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