Client Blog | Netwealth

Client Blog

A focus on fiscal policy

Last Thursday we hosted a webinar that focused on the policy outlook in the UK and on the implications for people’s finances. You can watch the recording here. Our head of advice, Tom Kimche, looked into the latter, while I focused on the overall outlook and implications. There were three parts to my talk: the latest economic data; the King’s Speech and what it might mean for economic policy; and fiscal policy.

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The government is right to focus on growth

Financial markets are still digesting the new policy measures of the Labour Government. Next week on the 18th of July – the day after the State Opening of Parliament, which includes the King’s Speech that outlines the government’s plan for this session of parliament – we will host a webinar focusing on the economic and financial implications of government policy.

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After the election: do you need advice?

You may not find an immediate impact on your finances after the election, yet it may be an appropriate time to consider your overall situation – and to assess whether you could be doing more to make the most of your money, and on the right path to achieve your goals.

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Post-election economic and financial outlook

What lies ahead after the election? On 20th June we hosted a webinar to address this issue. Here is a summary of my opening comments on the economic and financial outlook.

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Client market update

Watch a short video update from Iain Barnes, Netwealth's chief investment officer, running through drivers of performance and sharing some insights into how our clients' portfolios are positioned in the current environment.

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Currencies: to hedge or not to hedge?

Delivering sustainable portfolio performance over the medium-to-long-term gives our clients the best chance of meeting their investment goals. When building portfolios, naturally the proportions we invest in each asset class is key, and we also consider factors such as currency hedging – but what impact can different hedging approaches have on investment portfolios?

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Seeking nuance among US opportunities: is investment grade credit still worth it?

Being an analytical and proactive investor is key to maintaining consistent returns. Sometimes our analysis leads us to swim against the tide of convention. Here we examine the current risk/reward trade-off of high quality US corporate bonds, known as investment grade (IG), outlining why we now think a switch to US Treasury Bonds may be more appropriate.

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Client market update

Watch a short video update from Iain Barnes, Netwealth's chief investment officer, running through drivers of performance and sharing some insights into how our clients' portfolios are positioned in the current environment.

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How to maximise your wealth in the 2024-25 tax year

In a recent webinar we focused on how investors can maximise their wealth for the 2024-25 tax year. There are many permutations to consider. We highlight some of them here to help you make better financial decisions this year and make a difference to your longer-term outcome.

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The case for investing in gold

The price of gold increased sharply in the last few months, with many factors being attributed for its rise, before falling back almost as abruptly. We look at the different reasons that can cause its price to climb, highlight our own holdings and explain why we think it has merits as part of a diversified portfolio.

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