Netwealth has the right account type for your different investment needs.
High-quality, diversified portfolios built to deliver sustainable performance in the investor’s chosen currency.
Ethically-focused investments without compromising on quality or efficiency.
Our exclusive service for families wanting to share fee and investment benefits across generations.
A vital aspect of our proposition.
Charging a fraction of the industry cost for your benefit.
Our personal pension allows you to consolidate existing pensions to save flexibly towards your retirement.
Make full use of your annual allowances.
Tax free saving for your children, up to 18 years old.
Invest in any combination of our seven portfolios. Available in GBP, EUR and USD base currencies.
Money market and ultra-short term bonds. A flexible solution for low-risk or short term funds.
Flexible and transparent qualified advice. Pay for what you need either on a one-off or on an ongoing basis.
Plan for different outcomes and account types with our online tools.
Make your financial plans more effective through personalised projections and guidance from an expert adviser.
Details about our advice costs. Our quoted fees are already inclusive of any applicable VAT.
Find your answers about investing and our service.
Our most frequently asked questions.
Schedule a phone call or a meeting with a Netwealth adviser to discuss your investment goals and how our service might suit you.
Our address, phone number and email.
Combining the best elements of a traditional discretionary service with the benefits of a technology-enhanced approach.
We believe that bespoke goals and centralised managed portfolios lead to better client outcomes.
A team of industry experts and seasoned leaders.
02 January 2019 by